Use "farad|farads" in a sentence

1. We plug- in six farads an eight volts, and we get that the charge on the six farad capacitor is 48 coulombs.

2. So both the 27 farad and nine farad capacitors have 54 coulombs each stored on them.

3. And now we can find the charge stored on the individual three farad and six farad capacitors.

4. 1 Bicrofarad = 10⁻⁹ farad or m

5. The SI unit of Capacitance is Farad

6. C = refers to the Capacitance that we measure in farads

7. The standard unit of Capacitance is the farad, abbreviated

8. So the total charge on the six farad and three farad capacitors is 72 coulombs, which is the same charge that their equivalent capacitor stores.

9. The unit of Capacitance is Farad(F) - 1 coulomb per volt.

10. The same is also true for the three farad capacitor.

11. So the six farad capacitor is going to get twice as much.

12. And this makes sense, because remember the charge stored on the six farad capacitor was 48 coulombs, and the charge stored on the three farad capacitor was 24 coulombs.

13. 23 A unit of capacitance equal to one thousandth(10 - of a farad .

14. Capacitance (symbol C) is measured in the basic unit of the FARAD (symbol F)

15. And we get that the charge stored on the three farad capacitor is 24 coulombs.

16. Don't forget to take 1 over this number to get that the equivalent capacitance is 6. 75 farads.

17. Look at the way that these six and three farad capacitors are connected to each other.

18. And for the three farad capacitor, we get that the charge stored is going to be 18 coulombs.

19. Using the definition of capacitance, we find that the charge on a nine farad capacitor would be 72 coulombs.

20. And doing the same type of calculation for the six farad capacitor, we get that the charge is 36 coulombs.

21. We can use the definition of capacitance, and we get that the charge on this 6. 75 farad capacitor is 54 coulombs.

22. The unit for measuring Capacitance is the farad (F), defined as 1 coulomb (C) of electric charge per volt (V) of potential difference.

23. The Farad is much too large a unit for use in electronics however, so the following sub-units of Capacitance are more useful.

24. This makes sense, because 18 coulombs plus 36 coulombs adds up to 54 coulombs, which was the charge stored on their equivalent nine farad capacitor.

25. Besides, the Capacitance is the measure of a capacitor’s capability to store a charge that we measure in farads; also, a capacitor with a larger Capacitance will store more charge

26. One Farad is the amount of Capacitance that can store 1 Coulomb (6.24 x 10 18 electrons) when it is charged to a voltage of 1 volt

27. The time constant of a resistance - Capacitance circuit is: T = R X C where T = time in seconds where R = resistance in ohms where C = Capacitance in farads The time in this formula is the time to acquire 63% of the voltage value of the source

28. 1900, Journal of the Franklin Institute (volume 149, page 461) If the volt, ampere and ohm were taken as the absolute units, the practical units would be the ampere, Begohm and begavolt, names just as convenient as ampere, coulomb and farad.